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Still from Last Night at Terrace Lanes.


Chattanooga Film Festival Announces First Wave of 2024 Film Events

Organizers of the acclaimed Chattanooga Film Festival take their Spinal Tap references seriously and have fired off an opening salvo of films that, much like the fictional metal titan's amps, goes to eleven. There's a method to the festival's madness. There are eleven films, one for each of the festival's years. This eclectic mix, when Voltron-ed together and seasoned liberally with the events (virtual and in-person) the festival is known for, comprises the festival's first full wave of 2024 programming.

[GIVEAWAY]: Win a collector's version of FROGMAN on VHS

We're giving away five (5) copies of Frogman on VHS! Directed by Anthony Cousins and filmed mostly on Hi-8 and using almost exclusively practical effects, Frogman is a found-footage creature feature based on the eerie real-life legend of the Loveland Frogman.

Liked reviews

I thought of Night Swim as someone took an Amityville: Pool script, and gave it to Blumhouse. Which I know is incorrect as it is based off a really good short film by writer/director, Bryce McGuire. 

I don’t really get the distaste that I’ve seen for it, though. Yah, it’s generic as heck, and yah, the blatant message of the film led to an obvious ending. But it still has a heart. The underwater shots look great. I genuinely liked…

An enjoyable weed themed splatterfest with some truly stomach-churning practical effects. Light on narrative, heavy on the bodily dismemberment.

Absolutely captivating from start to finish. The definition of ick.

There's something maniacally impressive about a movie where the only good performance comes from a screaming flesh basketball.

The Purge

The Purge


The Purge was a film that, to me, didn't sound too appealing on paper, even under the Blumhouse umbrella, but delivered a truly fantastic, yet terrifying experience (it was released before the 2016 election and 2020 Black Lives Matter riots that rocked both the U.S. and world) that allows anyone to commit any crime, including murder, and not be charged for such actions.

After seeing the film (and skipping all of its details for this review), you can sort of…

absolutely no clue how half the things in this movie were allowed… Dracula legit calls a 5-year-old girl a bitch in this 💀💀💀

she slay 💅 he decay 💀

Holy Lydia Dietz I loved this so much. Zelda Williams is a visionary.