
Cineworld HQ


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Happened to our mate Ron once 🕷️

Cineworld Unlimited screening 

This is our Dune Messiah 🏜️

Sometimes you’ve got to be a little bit naughty 💘🎶(drain the blood of the group of criminals that kidnapped you and held you for ransom) 🧛

Zendaya serving? We’ve been saying this for YEARS 💅

Liked reviews

My stomach is full of butterflies while watching the film. One of the most memorable theatrical experiences of all time...

George Miller 🛐🛐🛐🛐

MAD MAX FURY ROAD is god tier filmmaking. I never saw it at the cinema before, watching it there was like watching it for the 1st time. It grabs you & pulls you in for the most exhilarating, adrenaline-fuelled ride ever! Couldn’t be anymore excited for FURIOSA: A MAD MAX SAGA.




having a friend named abigail is very terrifying all of a sudden

that's a wrap on my first IMAX Film Fest 🤘🏻. Hearing "Can You Hear The Music" blasting through the speakers in IMAX was just what I needed to end the night off