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We believe in the power of cinema. And that's not just a line - we truly think that cinema has the power to change lives.

FURIOSA costume designer Jenny Beavan is doing a Q&A with us!
"Mad Max was so different from what is perceived as my normal body of work. And it is. This is why I was so thrilled to [win an Academy Award, a BAFTA, and a Costume Designers Guild Award], because I had done a breakout at this point in my career and in a way it was something I had always wanted to do. What a brilliant project to do it on. What I was offered was this incredible chance to bring…
Marlene Dietrich season: 13-27 May 2024 3 films
Your chance to see the incredible Marlene Dietrich - actress, singer, writer, humanitarian and LGBTQIA icon - on the big…
Marlon Brando season: 3-17 June 2024 3 films
"I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody!"
Catch our Marlon Brando season this June, part of our regular…