
Wonka ★★½

Im sad to say I was less charmed by Paul King’s style and pathos here than I was with the Paddington films, which I enjoy a lot! Weirdly enough I think this would have come across better if it wasn’t about Willy Wonka, Paddington is kind of this moldable metaphor but here it’s hard not to consider what we have been given by Gene Wilder or even the world Tim Burton created despite that film not being very good. I admittedly longed for more of that crazy genius energy in him, I also just found myself bored through a lot of it because there’s no internal logic and no stakes, just random happenings and gags that play out at the same frequency throughout a needlessly convoluted script. The songs are very average and I wish it used less CGI, though the candy concepts/designs, production/costume design etc were often amazing. Olivia Colman and Tom Davis were a riot probably my favorite part, Timothee was fine! I kind of just feel no certain way about this. I’m never beating the I Hate Joy allegations.

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