hollie amanda

hollie amanda Patron

i watch movie, i have an epiphany, i forget about it the next day. that's just who i am

Favorite films

  • Harold and Maude
  • Her
  • Suspiria
  • Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me

Recent activity

  • El Topo


  • The Thin Blue Line


  • John Mulaney: Baby J


  • Mister Organ


Pinned reviews

  • Bottoms



    the first four rules of this fight club are charge your phone, be bisexual, eat hot chips and lie

  • Infinity Pool

    Infinity Pool


    missed opportunity for a freak on a leash by korn needle drop

Recent reviews

  • Lost Highway

    Lost Highway


    trent put his whole reznussy into this soundtrack

  • Challengers



    those twinks wouldn’t last one round of wii tennis against my family

Popular reviews

  • Pearl



    the director yelled “cut!” but mia goth heard “cunt!” and just went with it

  • Parasite



    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    call me by your name’s cum peach walked so parasite’s killer peach could run