
Babylon ★★★½

This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

This review may contain spoilers.

Ignored this for a while due to its mixed reception, but I figured it was either Oscar Day or never when I finally gave it a watch. Genuinely electric and near flawless in its first half, but ultimately stumbles a little bit with a less engrossing second half consisting of undercooked drama and bizarre sequences. The Tobey Maguire sex dungeon really took me out of it and the ending felt especially pandering. With that said, Brad Pitt is honestly better here than in the movie he actually won an Oscar for, and likewise, I can excuse the meltdown Barbie fans had over Margot Robbie's acting snub if I just pretend they were talking about this performance instead. Free my man Chazelle from Director Jail!

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