Killers of the Flower Moon

Killers of the Flower Moon ★★★★

I just wanted more Mollie.

I wanted to know her better. I wanted to feel and better understand her love for Ernest more. I wanted her friends and family to privately voice their suspicions of Ernest, only for her to dismiss the idea that he could ever be behind this. The betrayal in this story is raw and potent, and yet, I feel like there could have been so much more to it if the movie elected to give her perspective an equal amount of screentime to Ernest's. I don't think the movie was too long; it remained gripping the whole way through and I can't point to anything that should be cut. But...maybe this story was too big for one film. I might have preferred a miniseries that really delves into Mollie's character more, because I feel like this was a bit too narrow in its scope.

In terms of the story and perspective it does tell, it's obviously great. Harrowing and horrific, leaving me squirming in my seat during multiple sequences. A true descent into evil brought to life with strong direction and amazing performances from anyone who isn't Brendan Fraser (love the guy but his 2 minutes of screentime were absurdly out of place! It's ok to love the movie and also admit that, Film Twitter!)

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