Migrating from IMDb

You can easily move your ratings, checkins and lists from IMDb to Letterboxd. IMDb provides export files for various activity types. Make sure you’re signed in to IMDb, then follow these directions:

Export your ratings

  • On IMDb, go to “Your Ratings” from the user menu (top right)
  • Click the three vertical dots at top right, then select “Export”
  • ratings.csv will be saved to your Downloads folder

Export your checkins

  • On IMDb, go to “Your Lists” from the user menu (top right)
  • Click “Your Checkins” (under Your Lists)
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page, then select “Export this list”
  • checkins.csv will be saved to your Downloads folder

Export your watchlist

  • On IMDb, go to “Your Lists” from the user menu (top right)
  • Click “Your Watchlist” (under Your Lists)
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page, then select “Export this list”
  • watchlist.csv will be saved to your Downloads folder

Export your lists

  • On IMDb, go to “Your Lists” from the user menu (top right)
  • Click the title of the list to export (under All Lists)
  • Click the three vertical dots at top right, then select “Export”
  • <List Title>.csv will be saved to your Downloads folder
  • Repeat these steps for each list

Once you’ve exported your activity, make sure you’re signed in to Letterboxd (create a free account if you don’t have one) and import your files using the links below:

Once you’ve exported your activity, make sure you’re signed in on our website and then import your files using the links below:

Import your ratings/checkins

Click the “Import” button and attach your file. When matching is complete, check that all files have matched successfully (you can amend or remove any that haven’t).

Prior to completing the import, you’ll be offered the option to include the ratings as part of the import, or to ignore them and only import the films.

We also detect the creation dates for activity in IMDb files and display these as “watched dates” alongside each entry. If you’re importing ratings or checkins that were all made on the same day you watched each title in your file, select the option to “Create diary entries from watched dates”. Do not enable this option if the activity dates in your file are unrelated to your actual watched dates, as there is no undo once an import is finalized.

Start here Visit our website to import data

Import your watchlist

Click the “Import films to watchlist” item in the sidebar and attach your file. When matching is complete, check that all files have matched successfully (you can amend or remove any that haven’t). Click “Add films to watchlist” to complete the import. All matched films that were not already in your watchlist will be added.

Start here Visit our website to import data

Import your lists

Give your list a title and optional description, then click the “Import” button and attach your file. When matching is complete, check that all files have matched successfully (you can amend or remove any that haven’t).

Prior to completing the import, you’ll be offered two options: to mark the imported films in your file as watched and/or to include any ratings in the file as part of the import. If you select neither option, the films will be added to the list and your watched films and ratings will remain unchanged.

Repeat these steps for each list you wish to add.

Start here Visit our website to import data

A note on reviews

IMDb does not offer an export facility for reviews. If you wish to transfer reviews, you’ll need to copy these manually and paste them into new or existing diary entries.

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