
Unfrosted ★½

I came to an unfortunate revelation about 15 minutes into this limp embarrassing farce: the concept of a cereal company feud being treated with the same weight and importance as the space race is a genuinely funny idea.

I suppose it's quite an amazing feat to waste such a strong concept on some of the most deeply unfunny writing I've seen in quite some time. I laughed precisely once throughout this whole ordeal, and that was merely at the sight of Hank Schrader dressed up as Khrushchev. I suppose having a funny idea isn't really the same as being funny yourself, and it's a shame there wasn't any genuine comedic talent behind this script. Off the top of my head, I wonder why they couldn't have gotten, say, Larry David?

Can't wait for the bullshit credits song to be nominated at the Oscars next year.

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