
Salty Patron

Favorite films

  • Whiplash
  • Her
  • La La Land
  • Spirited Away

Recent activity

  • Footloose


  • Vampire Weekend

  • Kill Bill: Vol. 1


  • Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes


Pinned reviews

  • Spirited Away

    Spirited Away


    Almost 3 years ago, I moved away from Oklahoma. It was the state I’ve spent my entire life in, and I always thought I’d spend my entire childhood there. My neighborhood, while simple, was the place I felt the most happy at. The school I went to was just like any regular school, but the friends I had and still have today are what made school a fun place to be at. In the area of Oklahoma I lived in,…

  • Barbie



    Me and my friends actually cried tears of joy throughout the entirety of I’m Just Ken, life changing moment

Recent reviews

  • Footloose



    Every single day I wish my dance moves were half as influential and powerful as Willard’s

  • Vampire Weekend

    Vampire Weekend

    So if any of you don't know already, Vampire Weekend is one of my favorite bands of all time and they just recently came out with a new album called Only God Was Above Us. It's probably their best one yet, so here is a ranking of all the songs with 1 being the best. The worst song is like an 8/10 and numbers 1-7 are like 9 or 10/10's so yeah this album is really amazing. Here is the…

Popular reviews
