never thought i’d get the chance to see two of my favorite movies live in concert in hollywood AND in the same year but here we areeee. DANIEL PEMBERTON WAS THERE??? SO WERE THE DIRECTORS????? AAAAND LORD AND MILLER—uh…..ANYWAY THIS WAS FRIGGIN AWESOME!!!!! just like with the batman in concert, i got a t shirt! that’s cool. i think i’m gonna start collecting them like infinity stones. maybe i’ll talk about the orchestra itself first? sorry, the ALL-WOMEN, MAJORITY POC…
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The Batman 2022
saturday, april 15th. the city streets are crowded for the concert. even with the vendors. hidden in the chaos, is the element, waiting to strike like snakes. but i’m there too, watching…trying to find a parking spot. five months after buying the tickets have turned me into an impatient animal.
…and that’s all i have. THE BATMAN IN CONCERT, MOTHERFORKERS. guys. GUYS. guys. this was amazing. fantastic. phenomenal. sensational. i’ve been obsessing over this movie and this soundtrack for a year…
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The Final Exit of the Disciples of Ascensia 2019
i became a hypnotist at age five and i hypnotized my parents into giving me all their money and then i became a gymnast and i spent my whole life training to do it but then when i tried out for the olympics i messed up and then i hypnotized the judges to let me go to the olympics and then i went to the olympics and messed up again and there were so many people there who saw me…