rewatched for heath’s heavenly birthday <3

Reviews tagged ‘best-director-winner’ by Zoë Rose Bryant Pro
Everything Everywhere All at Once 2022
I started rewatching some of Everything Everywhere All at Once last night at like 1 AM and found myself accidentally staying up for the next two hours simply because this movie just sucks you in right from the start and never lets up until the final frame and my god I just love it so much
(Also lol at anyone saying Michelle Yeoh “doesn’t do enough to win Best Actress.” This is one of the most original roles I’ve ever…
Everything Everywhere All at Once 2022
I’ve been obsessed with the editing in Everything Everywhere All at Once since I first saw the film last spring, so it was a DREAM come true to talk with editor (and Critics Choice Award winner!) Paul Rogers and his team about how they pulled this project off.
Everything Everywhere All at Once 2022
Few films have ever - or WILL ever - make me feel the things this one does!!!!!!!!!!
2022 Ranked
A24 Ranked
Best Picture Winners Ranked
Best Director Winners Ranked
Best Actress Winners Ranked
Best Supporting Actor Winners Ranked
Best Supporting Actress Winners Ranked
Best Original Screenplay Winners Ranked -
Everything Everywhere All at Once 2022
Everything Everywhere All At Once is… unlike anything I have ever seen. At its core, all the absurdity aside, it’s a rich and rousing reminder of all that cinema can be and all it can do, making you believe in movie magic again as it tears your heart to pieces and puts it back together, in even better shape than before. A miracle of the medium, through and through.
I’m not gonna say the O-word, since we’re still (somehow) in LAST…
Nomadland 2020
After Chloé Zhao’s historic win at this year’s Oscars, will we have to wait another decade for our next female Best Director winner?
Over at Next Best Picture, I break down the top ten contenders who could follow in Zhao's footsteps this awards season to snag a Best Director nomination - or statue 😉
2020 Ranked
Best Picture Winners Ranked
Best Director Winners Ranked
Best Actress Winners Ranked -
Nomadland 2020
At LONG last, we’ve come to the end of the elongated 2020-2021 awards season and, as such, here are my and my fellow senior staff writer Bernard Ozarowski’s final predictions for Sunday’s Oscars ceremony!
(Casual reminder: I know nothing.)
La La Land 2016
2016 Ranked
Best Director Winners Ranked
Best Actress Winners Ranked
Favorite Screenplays -
The Last Emperor 1987
Getting back into my Best Picture marathon and... this was somewhat of a rough start 🥴
The Last Emperor certainly isn’t bad by any stretch of the imagination, but in spite of all its elegance, it just left me feeling... empty? I tend to be hit-or-miss with epics (for every Gone with the Wind there’s an English Patient), and this one just didn’t feel like it had the substance to match its sumptuous style. Paints its protagonist with too broad a brush, IMO.
Oh well, onto the next.
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 2003
The A-Force moment in Avengers: Endgame wants what Éowyn‘s “I 👏🏻 AM 👏🏻 NO 👏🏻 MAN 👏🏻“ has
2003 Ranked
Best Picture Winners Ranked
Best Director Winners Ranked
The Lord of the Rings Ranked -
Nomadland 2020
With the new year only a day away, Loud and Clear is thrilled to finally reveal our site’s official “20 Best Films of 2020”!
(And I’m pretty happy that I was able to gush about a few of my favorites here as well - can you guess which? 😉)
Check out the list here!
2020 Ranked
Best Picture Winners Ranked
Best Director Winners Ranked
Best Actress Winners Ranked -
The Sound of Music 1965
Literally just a miracle of a movie, I don’t understand how ANYONE can’t enjoy this 😭😭😭