hell is not hot enough for dan schneider and brian peck.

Reviews tagged ‘hbo-max’ by Zoë Rose Bryant Pro
Angels in America 2003
“i try to tighten my heart into a knot, a snarl, i try to learn to live dead, just numb, but then i see someone i want, and it's like a nail, like a hot spike right through my chest, and i know i’m losing.”
i first learned what AIDS was in my eighth grade health class, during a unit on STDs. we learned its history, its symptoms, its causes, its prognosis, and who it affected - “homosexuals and addicts.”…
The Times of Harvey Milk 1984
really sad to realize that we’re still fighting a lot of the same fights we were fighting 46 years ago. the more things change, the more they really do stay the same i guess - the work never stops.
anyway i love harvey milk and i love being queer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Banshees of Inisherin 2022
Still my least favorite of the Best Picture nominees - one of those movies where I can too clearly see and feel the creator pulling the strings to push the plot forward and convey his “themes” (themes that will feel all too familiar to those who already know how bad men are at emoting and communicating) to ever be fully invested and immersed in the story - but when my least favorite of a line-up is still a 4/5, you know it’s a damn good line-up.
Barry Keoghan and Kerry Condon (MVP) are doing incredible work here.
The Batman 2022
This thing is just so impeccably plotted and immaculately mounted from top-to-bottom. A true-blue superhero epic for the ages. The new gold standard.
The Wrestler 2008
One of the most egregious Oscar snubs ever. Just un-fucking-fathomable. Fitting that S**n P*nn won for a movie called Milk, because that’s what his Best Actor win has aged like. Meanwhile, Mickey Rourke’s naturalistically radiant and emotionally riveting performance as Randy “The Ram” Robinson has endured for over a decade, and it will continue to do so for years to come; simply put, in a ranking of the most affecting acting ever committed to celluloid, Rourke’s work here would be near…
The Eyes of Tammy Faye 2021
I’ve been back-and-forth on this film and Chastain’s performance a LOT since I saw it at TIFF in September and I think I’ve settled on both being… fine!
I don’t like either as much as I initially did - I’ve read a lot more on the movie and understand the countless critiques, and I also have a plethora of other leading actress performances I prefer - but I don’t really think it’s fair to make them “Oscar villains” either. Chastain…