It’s a Christmas movie.

Reviews tagged ‘awards-2019’ by Zoë Rose Bryant Pro
Little Women 2019
I rewatched Little Women for the first time since its theatrical run last night, and not only did I fall in love with it all over again, but I was also struck by just how wondrously well-acted the proposal scene is. Simply put, Ronan should’ve won Best Actress, and it’s a crime Chalamet wasn’t nominated.
Equally as egregious is the fact that the Academy similarly overlooked Florence Pugh, who, assisted by Gerwig’s studios and sincere screenwriting, revolutionizes the character of Amy…
Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood 2019
One year after its release, I write about how Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’s pensive pining for the past has come to parallel our current longing for lost cinemas in the time of coronavirus.
Pretty passionate about this piece & appreciative of Tarantino’s art now more than ever.
Check it out over at Loud and Clear Reviews!
2019 Ranked
Best Supporting Actor Winners Ranked
Quentin Tarantino Ranked -
Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood 2019
When we talk about “the magic of movies,” THIS IS WHAT WE MEAN.
The industry is in such a shitty spot at the moment, but I genuinely can’t imagine not having watched this tale unfold in a theater and being transported back to 1969 Hollywood for 165 mesmerizing minutes. I miss it. I miss is SO much.
No matter what the future holds... I’m forever thankful I have this treasure to take solace in when the world feels like it’s…
The Ground Beneath My Feet 2019
“At the start of The Ground Beneath My Feet, Valerie Pachner’s Lola (A Hidden Life) seemingly has it all: a profitable profession as a top-tier business consultant, a fiery and flirtatious fling with her beautiful boss, and an energetic and efficient exercise routine that molds her body into a well-oiled machine. With so much emphasis on her employment, Lola has little time to devote her attention elsewhere, and she views most personal matters as paltry and purportless. However, when Lola’s…
The Vast of Night 2019
With its astounding atmosphere and a snappy script, The Vast of Night stands as a genuinely invigorating and intriguing indie feature debut, adamantly announcing writer-director Andrew Patterson’s title as a talent on the rise and offering viewers a electrifying cinematic experience at the same time.
From its fast-paced first scene showcasing the set-up of a small town basketball game and displaying some delicious delivery of dialogue between a plethora of patrons (with countless characters aping Aaron Sorkin’s signature “walk-and-talk” shtick),…
The Farewell 2019
Trying to do the math on how Academy voters watched the scene where Nai Nai breaks down in the street as Billi and her family pull away in their car and STILL refused to give Zhao Shuzhen a Best Supporting Actress nomination...
Love, it is NOT adding up.
Parasite 2019
There are, quite honestly, no words.
2019 Ranked
Best Picture Winners Ranked
Best Director Winners Ranked
Favorite Screenplays
Bong Joon-ho Ranked
Neon Ranked -
The Farewell 2019
With just one feature film to her name, Lulu Wang has cemented herself as one of my favorite filmmakers, and I feel beyond blessed that I was alive and able to experience what will be the start of a stupendously successful career.
Just Mercy 2019
Though hampered somewhat by occasionally pedestrian pacing and procedural, predictable plotting, Just Mercy is able to grasp at enough of the gravitas from its riveting real-life story to eventually leave an emotional impact on viewers, especially thanks to the authentic acting from its central cast.
Like many biopics, it seems that the true story behind this theatrical tale is far more compelling than its cinematic counterpart. While the disgusting discoveries of the evils embedded in the American justice system are…
1917 2019
1917 is an audacious audiovisual cinematic spectacle for the ages, instantly immersing audiences in its stunningly suspenseful settings thanks to Sam Mendes’s delicate-yet-dynamic direction and a propulsive and poignant performance from George MacKay.
While some may argue that 1917’s decision to film its core mission in “one-take” is a “gimmick,” this would be entirely dismissive of the way the film carefully curates the connection between its central characters and viewers by imbuing them with the same sense of urgency and…