Zoë Rose Bryant has written 246 reviews for films during 2023.
Poor Things 2023
i love how much time we spend just watching bella explore and experience lisbon - and the ship only a few scenes later - because i feel like films are rarely given that special space to breathe and merely exist these days. a lesser movie (and one with more studio interference) would’ve cut those scenes out because they “don’t explicitly move the plot forward” to give it a “tighter edit” and “faster pacing.” but when you leave scenes like these…
Maestro 2023
when the footage of leonard bernstein played at the end my mom was like “i think i’ve seen him on your award shows before” and i was like “mom he died 10 years before i was born” and she was like “no i’m sure” and she sounded like laura dern swearing she saw baby yoda at a basketball game