• 127 Hours

    127 Hours


    I’m so glad I watched this from the comfort of my own home because I can almost GUARANTEE that I would’ve been one of those people who passed out in the theater watching THAT scene 🥴

    P.S. Colin Firth has James Franco’s Oscar

    2010 Ranked

  • 12 Angry Men

    12 Angry Men


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    “Prejudice always obscures the truth.”

    Practically perfect and painfully prescient. The more things change, the more they stay the same... though the ending of this film never fails to make me momentarily regain faith in humanity and the American justice system so bravo!

    1950s: Favorites From Every Year
    Sidney Lumet Ranked

  • 12 Years a Slave

    12 Years a Slave


    Finally watched this all the way through after catching a fair amount in school, and I’m quite glad I did. An unflinching portrayal of some of the ugliest moments in American history, complete with imagery that’ll be seared into my brain for life. Wouldn’t have been my personal Best Picture pick (that distinction always falls to Her), but it’s a damn good selection regardless, and a truly important winner to boot.

    2013 Ranked
    Best Picture Winners Ranked
    Best Supporting Actress Winners Ranked

  • 13 Going on 30

    13 Going on 30


    “Eminem’s on the phone. He wants an answer now.”
    “Umm... plain. Peanut? Plain!”

    Okay but WHERE was Jennifer Garner’s Oscar nomination

    2004 Ranked

  • 13th


    “If you dismiss black complaints of mistreatment by police as being completely rooted in our modern context then you’re missing the point completely. There has never been a period in our history where the law and order branch of the state has not operated against the freedoms, the liberties, the options, and the choices that have been available to the black community, generally speaking.”

    Recommended viewing for today and every day:
    - 13th (dir. Ava DuVernay) - available on Netflix

  • The 15:17 to Paris

    The 15:17 to Paris

    If I had to listen to a comment about a selfie ONE MORE DAMN TIME...

    2018 Ranked
    Clint Eastwood Ranked

  • 1917



    1917 is an audacious audiovisual cinematic spectacle for the ages, instantly immersing audiences in its stunningly suspenseful settings thanks to Sam Mendes’s delicate-yet-dynamic direction and a propulsive and poignant performance from George MacKay.

    While some may argue that 1917’s decision to film its core mission in “one-take” is a “gimmick,” this would be entirely dismissive of the way the film carefully curates the connection between its central characters and viewers by imbuing them with the same sense of urgency and…

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey

    2001: A Space Odyssey


    I am nowhere NEAR intelligent enough to properly dissect this film after my first (full) viewing but... Jesus Christ, Kubrick.

    Truly one of the most audacious artistic achievements in cinematic history, with a potent and powerful philosophical core to further captivate the audience. Honestly, I’m wholly content with the ambiguous atmosphere it occupies at the moment. In many ways, this felt like a revelatory religious experience, and like religion, its ultimate strength seems to lie in the unknown.

    Now off…

  • 20th Century Women

    20th Century Women


    “Whatever you think your life is going to be like, just know, it's not gonna be anything like that.”

    As someone who was primarily raised by my mom through a lot of monumental moments in my adolescence, this hits right in the heart.

    Annette Bening is just as divine as always, and Greta Gerwig has my whole heart. I just watch this and feel so WARM thinking of all the ways the powerful women in my life have influenced me…

  • 21 Bridges

    21 Bridges


    21 Bridges is a fine but inevitably forgettable fall thriller that coasts on Chadwick Boseman’s contagious charm instead of focusing its efforts on generating a less generic narrative.

    As far as these disposable and bargain bin crime chronicles go, they could do a lot worse than casting Black Panther as their lead. Yes, without Chadwick Boseman’s inherent charisma, this lethargic lark would be even more aggressively average than it already is, as he adds a considerable amount of energy to…

  • 21 Jump Street

    21 Jump Street


    Ice Cube deserved an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor I said what I said

    2012 Ranked

  • 22 vs. Earth

    22 vs. Earth


    I wasn’t the biggest fan of Soul (shocker, I know), but I... surprisingly found 22 vs. Earth to be absolutely adorable and amusing? It’s short for sure, but still quite sweet, and after this, I actually would be down for more antics in The Great Before.