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Zoë Rose Bryant has watched 29 films released in the 1950s.

  • Pickpocket


  • Ben-Hur


  • North by Northwest


  • Some Like It Hot


  • Imitation of Life


  • Sleeping Beauty


  • Anna Lucasta


  • The Blob


  • Vertigo


  • Old Yeller


  • 12 Angry Men


  • The Ten Commandments


  • Invasion of the Body Snatchers


  • Guys and Dolls


  • Rebel Without a Cause


  • Lady and the Tramp


  • Marty


  • Godzilla


  • White Christmas


  • Rear Window


  • On the Waterfront


  • Peter Pan


  • Singin' in the Rain


  • The Greatest Show on Earth


  • A Streetcar Named Desire


  • Alice in Wonderland


  • All About Eve


  • Sunset Boulevard


  • Cinderella
