I Saw the TV Glow

I Saw the TV Glow ★★★★½

“time wasn’t right. it was moving too fast. i was 19, and then i was 20, and then i was 21. like chapters skipped over in a dvd. i told myself ‘this isn’t normal. this isn’t normal. this isn’t how life is supposed to feel.’”

was stunned speechless for a few seconds after finishing this one. don’t know what else to say other than that it got under my skin in a way few films ever have, with its nightmarish sights and sounds already seared into my memory. knew this one would hit hard for Obvious Reasons (🏳️‍⚧️), but even after going in with that awareness, i still wasn’t fully prepared for how hard the hit would be. a devastating depiction of the all-consuming, soul-crushing nature of repression and how nostalgia can be both an escape and a prison.

trans art is so, so essential - especially in times like these - and i can’t emphasize that enough. it feels like i’ve been waiting for a film like this my whole life. but hey, better late than never :’)

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