carley has written 38 reviews for films during 2022.

  • Halloween



    john carpenter loves boobs huh

  • Ticket to Paradise

    Ticket to Paradise


    julia roberts and george clooney literally have the charisma of two cult leaders i was smiling through the whole movie!

  • The Craft

    The Craft


    "have you seen the classics?" OH IVE SEEN THE CLASSICS

  • Don't Worry Darling

    Don't Worry Darling


    truly a fine movie idk why everyone says its bad

  • Best in Show

    Best in Show


    maybe my sinus infection has spread to my brain but this made me laugh out loud several times

  • The Worst Person in the World

    The Worst Person in the World


    still good as shit

  • Reprise



    friendship as the most seminal relationship in a young persons life??? sign me up!!

  • Oslo, August 31st

    Oslo, August 31st


    literally what the FUCK!

  • Glass Onion

    Glass Onion


    janelle monet came to PLAY in this movie...

  • Triangle of Sadness

    Triangle of Sadness



  • The Hating Game

    The Hating Game

    JAIL for whoever added smurf fanfiction to this movie

  • Blade



    saw this in the theatre and vibes were immaculate