What. The. Bleeding. Hell. Was. That?!
So, there's Tam, a cute high school boy whom we meet after he's had a beating. In an abandoned pool, he meets Phum. They exchange handies. Phum tells Tam to exhale all the air and submerge himself in the pool. This is the last normal thing to happen.
Eventually the story swirls into a Lynchian hellscape at half speed. You're bored to tears by the lethargic pace, but simultaneously there's nothing but entertainment. The two boys make out in a garbage dump. There's a body count. Mold is involved. It's all dream logic-y and maybe not even in chronological order. Somebody may have schizophrenia.
And that's not even all of it.
I don't know whether I hated it or loved it; whether it meant nothing or everything; whether it was truthy or bullshit. This is truly the What the Fuck?! film of SIFF 2015.