

Favorite films

  • Roman Holiday
  • Pride & Prejudice
  • Before Sunset
  • Anatomy of a Fall

Recent activity

  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone


  • Hercules


  • Pride & Prejudice


  • The Woman King


Recent reviews

  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

    Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone


    crying in tears of joy and happiness, the nostalgia that comes with watching this is UNMATCHED, like yes please take me away to some far away wizarding school where i can learn to make potions and cast spells pls & thank you.

  • Pride & Prejudice

    Pride & Prejudice


    the irony that the subtleties of this film are what elicit the most violent reactions out of me and my friends...😭

Popular reviews

  • Can You Keep a Secret?

    Can You Keep a Secret?


    so my parents and i were supposed to watch once upon a time in hollywood, but that didn’t end up happening so we decided to watch this. well, we ended up walking out of the cinema. 

  • Maid in Manhattan

    Maid in Manhattan


    ralph fiennes walking his dog and speaking french? yeah, i'm pregnant.